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Detroit’s Drive Toward Sustainable Mobility Solutions

Through remarkable partnerships and pivotal initiatives, Detroit is diligently addressing mobility challenges with an array of innovative solutions.
a man getting out of a car

Michigan Chronicle
Oct. 4, 2023
Lynzee Mychael

The city of Detroit is synonymous with the automotive industry. The deep entanglement between the two even resulted in its moniker “Motor City.” However, as the global trajectory leans toward a more sustainable and interconnected future, Detroit has encountered distinctive mobility challenges. In truly resilient Detroit fashion, the city has embraced innovation and transformation to tackle these issues head-on. Through remarkable partnerships and pivotal initiatives, Detroit is diligently addressing mobility challenges with an array of innovative solutions.

As the city shifts towards sustainable mobility solutions, it must recognize and address any disparities or inequalities that may arise, ensuring that all residents, regardless of their racial background, benefit from these advancements. One of the primary concerns for the Black community in Detroit is understanding what options are available for reliable mobility solutions and having access to those options. The point is Black Detroiters deserve to be in the conversation and participate in the mobility advancements happening around the city.

Electric vehicles are a vital component of the global shift toward sustainable transportation. However, the widespread adoption of EVs has been hindered by the lack of accessible charging infrastructure, particularly in lower-income communities. To address this challenge, MIT Mobility Initiative and Michigan Central are launching the Equitable EV Charging Network study. Led by MIT School of Management faculty members Alex Jacquillat and Daniel Freund, this research endeavor aims to create analytical models and data-driven recommendations for the development of more efficient, reliable, and equitable charging infrastructure.

“Our society is facing a range of urgent and unprecedented challenges — from climate change to lack of equitable access to transportation, that will require innovators, entrepreneurs and designers from the private and public sectors to come together,” said Carolina Pluszczynski, Chief Operating Officer of Michigan Central. “A key component of Michigan Central’s strategy is to build the physical infrastructure needed to advance mobility innovation. MIT Mobility Initiative researchers will have the opportunity to leverage the Michigan Central infrastructure, including the charging stations, to validate the inputs that go into the models they are developing.”

Michigan Central’s commitment extends beyond infrastructure; it also encompasses community engagement and skills development programs. The campus is expected to generate thousands of new jobs and provide training solutions for professionals at all educational levels, ensuring equitable access to careers in the growing mobility sector.

This innovative partnership is aimed at advancing solutions related to electric vehicles (EVs) and drone technology. This collaborative effort brings together the innovation prowess of MIT and the ambitious mobility-focused initiatives of Michigan Central, centered around the iconic restoration of Detroit’s historic train station. The MIT Mobility Initiative is a global platform dedicated to accelerating the development of a safe, clean, and inclusive mobility system through research, education, entrepreneurship, and engagement.

Under this partnership, MIT Mobility Initiative will embark on two groundbreaking research projects within and around the 30-acre Michigan Central site. These projects are slated to commence this fall and extend over one year, focusing on critical mobility challenges in the modern world.

This study will investigate key questions such as the optimal placement of public EV chargers in urban settings and how human behavior can inform the quantity and type of chargers required in different locations. Real-world data from charging stations at the Bagley Mobility hub at Michigan Central will be used to validate and optimize the feasibility of these recommendations.

One of the key factors driving Detroit’s mobility improvements is community engagement. The city has actively sought input from residents to shape its mobility policies and projects. Initiatives like the Planning and Development Department’s “Detroit Moves” have facilitated conversations with the public to better understand their transportation needs and preferences. This community-centered approach has led to more effective solutions that align with the desires of Detroiters.

Detroit’s shift towards sustainable mobility solutions is a promising step towards a more connected and equitable future. However, it is essential that this transformation does not exacerbate existing inequalities within the Black community. By addressing issues related to access to public transportation, employment opportunities, affordable housing, community engagement, and environmental justice, Detroit can ensure that its mobility evolution is a source of progress and prosperity for all its residents, regardless of their racial background. In doing so, the city can lead the way in demonstrating how urban transformation can be both innovative and inclusive.

View the original article.

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