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Ask a Detroiter


Whether you live in the Detroit Region or from another part of the world and are curious about the city, Ask-a-Detroiter is a way to connect with locals who know the Region best and can help answer all of your questions. Ask-a-Detroiter to get information and recommendations or just to chat with a local. Please let us know if you have feedback or ideas on improving the experience!

Want to share about your neighborhood or something you love? You should become an Ambassador! Here’s more information.

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Terms & Conditions

Let’s Detroit® Terms of Use Effective September 20, 2018 (Version 1.0) This Let’s Detroit® Terms of Use (the “Agreement”) applies to: (1) all individuals using (each a “User”) the Let’s Detroit® online, mobile and text message social interaction and information platform (the “Platform”), (2) all Let’s Detroit® Texting Ambassadors (as defined below), and (3) all Let’s Detroit® Employment Ambassadors (as defined below) (each a “Participant”). The Platform is a strategy of the Detroit Regional Chamber Foundation and its Detroit Drives Degrees initiative that seeks to foster retention and attraction of talent in Southeast Michigan. Using a website, mobile, texting, and social media engagement channels, the Platform aims to improve the narrative, increase graduates, and cultivate an innovative, engaged and culture-focused business community to drive economic prosperity in Southeast Michigan. The Platform is driven by the participation of voluntary “Ambassadors” who apply and are approved by Let’s Detroit® to be either Texting Ambassadors or Employment Ambassadors for the Platform. A “Texting Ambassador” is a professional who is willing to engage with people via text message about the things the Texting Ambassador loves the most or recommends within the categories of things to do, places to live and ways to make an impact in the Southeastern Michigan area. Texting ambassadors select topics they want to talk about (e.g. networking events, nightlife, places to eat, etc.) and User Participants connect with Texting Ambassadors through a protected, third party number (similar to the technology that Uber & Lyft use to connect drivers to riders) to ask questions, get recommendations and learn. An “Employment Ambassador” is a professional currently engaged with a Southeast Michigan young professional or other group willing to connect with User Participants about the Employment Ambassador’s field of work via social media (such as LinkedIn or Twitter), email, or potentially text message. The Employment Ambassador’s name, photo, brief bio and organization will be shared on the Platform and the Employment Ambassadors are rotated on about least a monthly basis. User Participants will reach out to Employment Ambassadors to ask questions, get advice, and learn about young professional or other groups and careers in Southeast Michigan. Participation in the Platform is voluntary and on an individual basis.  By participating in the Platform, each Participant agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and the Let’s Detroit® Privacy Policy.  If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not participate in the Platform. Each type of Participant represents and agrees to the following: You represent that you are at least eighteen (18) years old. You understand and agree that, unless otherwise stated in writing by Let’s Detroit®, each Texting Ambassador or Employment Ambassador is acting solely in that Ambassador’s individual capacity and is not acting as a representative of, or on behalf of, the Ambassador’s employer, professional society, non-profit or charity organization, current school or alma mater, sponsor, Let’s Detroit®, or anyone other person or entity. You understand and agree that unless, otherwise unless otherwise stated in writing by Let’s Detroit®, each User Participant is acting in the User Participant’s individual capacity and is not acting as a representative on behalf of User Participant’s employer, professional society, non-profit or charity organization, current school or alma mater, sponsor, Let’s Detroit®, or anyone other person or entity. For User Participants, you agree to complete the registration information required for User Participants before using the Platform or engaging or interacting with any Ambassador on the Platform. For Texting Ambassador or Employment Ambassador Participants, you agree that you must complete all necessary Let’s Detroit® application information and obtain approval to serve as a Texting Ambassador or Employment Ambassador from Let’s Detroit® prior to engaging or interacting with any User Participant on the Platform. You represent that all information you enter in order to register as a User Participant, or to apply to become a Texting Ambassador or Employment Ambassador is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. If you willfully enter any false information with deceptive intent, you acknowledge that Let’s Detroit® reserves the right to terminate your participation in the Platform immediately upon discovery of such false information. If you enter any false or incorrect information through mistake, without any deceptive intent, you agree to correct such false or incorrect information upon discovery of, or receipt of notification of, such false or incorrect information.  If you do not timely correct such false or incorrect information, you acknowledge that Let’s Detroit® reserves the right to terminate your participation in the Platform.  If any information that you have entered should change, you agree to timely update such information.  If you do not timely update such information, you acknowledge that Let’s Detroit® reserves the right to terminate your participation in the Platform. You confirm that you have read and understood the Let’s Detroit® Codes of Conduct. You agree to abide by the terms of the applicable code of conduct (Let’s Detroit® Code of Conduct for Ambassadors or Let’s Detroit® Code of Conduct for Users) that govern your participation in the Platform. You acknowledge that Let’s Detroit® reserves the right to terminate, in its sole discretion, your participation in the Platform if you violate any of the terms of the applicable Let’s Detroit® reserves Code of Conduct. You confirm that you have read and understood the Let’s Detroit® Privacy Policy and you agree to abide by its terms and acknowledge that, if you violate any of the Let’s Detroit® Privacy Policy terms, Let’s Detroit® reserves the right to terminate your participation in the Platform. If you are an Ambassador, you agree expectations of an Ambassador as further detailed in the Let’s Detroit® Ambassador Toolkit that has been provided to you as part of your Ambassador application materials. You acknowledge that Let’s Detroit® may periodically update such Ambassador Expectations upon posting notice of such updates within the Let’s Detroit® Ambassador Portal or by contacting Let’s Detroit®. You understand and agree that if you engage the Platform via text message, you will receive reply text messages from the Platform. You grant Let’s Detroit® express written consent to send you autodialed and/or prerecorded message calls and text messages from Let’s Detroit®, and third-party providers acting on Let’s Detroit’s® behalf, to any mobile telephone number you provide to Let’s Detroit®, regardless of your registration of your mobile device number on any state or federal “do not call” registry. Your express, written permission applies to calls and messages regarding communications among you and other Participants on the Platform. You understand and agree that if you engage the Platform via a third party social media site (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram), that your activity on such third party social media site (including your privacy settings) is governed by the terms of use and privacy policy of such third party social media site. You expressly acknowledge and agree that you are participating voluntarily in the Platform and that Let’s Detroit® is not responsible for your actions or the actions of other Participants on the Platform. You will not use the Platform in connection with any fraudulent or illegal activity or in any manner which interferes with the operation of the Platform. You will promptly notify us if you discover or otherwise suspect any security breach or security compromise relating to the Platform or your log in or registration information. You will not, and will not permit any third party to, do or attempt to do any of the following: (a) access or monitor any material or information in the Platform using any manual process or robot, spider, scraper or other automated means; (b) copy, reproduce, alter, modify, create derivative works, publicly display, republish, upload, post, transmit, resell, loan or distribute any material or information provided to you by Let’s Detroit®; (c) use the Platform in any manner that would interfere with the rights of any third party; (d) take any action that could compromise the security of the Platform; (e) violate the restrictions in any robot exclusion headers in any aspect of the Platform, work around, bypass, or circumvent any of the technical limitations of the Platform, use any tool to enable disabled features or functionalities of the Platform, or decompile, disassemble or otherwise reverse engineer the Platform; (f) transfer any rights granted to you under this Agreement; (g) perform or attempt to perform any actions that would interfere with the proper working of the Platform, prevent access to or use of the Platform by other Participants, or impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the Platform infrastructure, including, but not limited to, excessively high volume data transfers or bandwidth use; (h) encourage any conduct that would constitute a criminal offense or that gives rise to civil liability; (i) violates this Agreement; (j) attempt to damage, disable, overburden or impair the Platform or Let’s Detroit® servers or networks; (k) impersonate any person or entity or otherwise misrepresent your identity or affiliation with another person or entity; (l) fail to comply with applicable third party terms or otherwise use the Platform except as permitted by this Agreement (collectively, “Prohibited Use”). By granting Let’s Detroit® and the Detroit Regional Chamber permission to any of your Platform posts or social media posts, you agree that we may, at our discretion, use your real or social media user name and the content of your post or tweet (including all accompanying images) on the Platform to promote the Platform and Let’s Detroit®. You give us the right to edit your post or social media content for brevity, clarity and the like and to modify any image in any manner we deem necessary to use it on the Platform. You will not have the advance right to review or approve what we post on the Platform. You represent to us that you have all rights needed to grant this permission to us. For example, if an image you included with your post or content depicts persons other than yourself, the other people in the image must have given you unrestricted permission to allow us to post the image on our Platform. You will not receive any compensation for granting us the above rights. We agree that you may withdraw the permission you have given us at any time by sending us an email at info@letsdetroitdev.wpengine.com. We will remove your content or post (including accompanying images) reasonably promptly after receiving your email. You may have the opportunity to provide feedback, comments, suggestions, and ideas concerning use of, or suggested improvements or enhancements to, the Platform (“Feedback”). Feedback may also include your responses to surveys or other reporting. Let’s Detroit® and its authorized third-party providers may obtain information from you regarding the use of the Platform. You agree that your Feedback is provided gratuitously, unsolicited and without restriction. Let’s Detroit® shall have no duties or obligations with respect to Feedback provided by you. Let’s Detroit® shall be entitled to use and disseminate any Feedback for any purpose, in its discretion, without any compensation to you. Let’s Detroit® either owns, or has licensed, all U.S. legal right, title and interest in and to the Platform, including, but not limited to, any trademark, copyright, patent, trade secret, trade dress, service marks and other worldwide intellectual property rights as they relate to the Platform (the “Intellectual Property”). This Agreement does not grant you any rights with respect to the Intellectual Property. Let’s Detroit®, the Let’s Detroit® logo, and other Let’s Detroit® or Detroit Regional Chamber trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with the Platform are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Detroit Regional Chamber (collectively, “Detroit Regional Chamber Marks”). Other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with the Platform are the trademarks of their respective owners (collectively, “Third Party Marks”). The Detroit Regional Chamber Marks and Third Party Marks may not be copied, imitated, or used, in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of the Detroit Regional Chamber or the applicable trademark holder. The Platform and all content are protected by copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, international treaties, laws and other proprietary rights and also may have security components that protect digital information only as authorized by the Detroit Regional Chamber or the owner of the content. THE PLATFORM IS MADE AVAILABLE “AS IS” WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.  TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, LET’S DETROIT® AND THE DETROIT REGIONAL CHAMBER DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES. NEITHER LET’S DETROIT® NOR THE DETROIT REGIONAL CHAMBER CONDUCTS CRIMINAL BACKGROUND CHECKS ON PLATFORM PARTICIPANTS. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL LET’S DETROIT® OR THE DETROIT REGIONAL CHAMBER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, GENERAL, SPECIAL, COMPENSATORY, CONSEQUENTIAL, AND/OR INCIDENTAL, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF YOU OR ANYONE ELSE IN CONNECTION WITH THE PLATFORM, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, BODILY INJURY, EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, AND/OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM COMMUNICATIONS OR MEETINGS BETWEEN PARTICIPANTS.  THIS INCLUDES ANY CLAIMS, LOSSES, OR DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE CONDUCT OF PARTICIPANTS.  TO THE EXTENT A COURT OF COMPETENT JURISDICTION FINDS LET’S DETROIT® AND/OR THE DETROIT REGIONAL CHAMBER LIABLE FOR ANY OF THE FOREGOING, LET’S DETROIT® AND THE DETROIT REGIONAL CHAMBER’S AGGREGATE LIABILITY SHALL NOT EXCEED U.S. $100.00 This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Michigan without regard to its principles of conflict of law.  If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable for any reason, it shall be deleted and the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and affect. Each party hereto agrees to waive its right to a jury trial.  Further each party agrees to bring any claim under this agreement within one (1) year from the date the claim arose.  Each party acknowledges that no party will bring, or participate in, any class action or other class proceeding in connection with any dispute with the any other party.  Further, no party agrees to class arbitration or any arbitration where a person brings a dispute as a representative of other person(s). By agreeing to this Agreement, you confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms of this Agreement.   Let’s Detroit® Codes of Conduct General Information and Guiding Principles The Let’s Detroit® Codes of Conduct govern the behavior of a Participant on the Platform.  The Let’s Detroit® Codes of Conduct include the Ambassador Code of Conduct and the User Participant Code of Conduct.  All Participants in the Platform must read the Let’s Detroit®  Codes of Conduct in their entirety to understand the standard of behavior expected by Let’s Detroit® from all its Participants and to know which actions constitute violations that shall be reported to Let’s Detroit® and could result in termination from the Platform. Ambassador Code of Conduct As either a Texting Ambassador or an Employment Ambassador on the Platform, you agree to abide by the Ambassador Code of Conduct.  You agree that if you violate any rule of the Ambassador Code of Conduct, Let’s Detroit® may suspend or terminate your participation as an Ambassador in the Platform. Rule 1: Confidentiality. Except as provided below, you shall not disclose to any third party any personal details of your communications with a User Participant without prior permission of such User Participant.  Exceptions - If a User Participant that you are interacting with on the Platform in your role as Ambassador violates the User Participant Code of Conduct, you shall report the code violations to Let’s Detroit® staff at info@letsdetroitdev.wpengine.com or flag the conversation in the Ambassador Portal. Rule 2: Availability. Texting Ambassadors should be available for texting about five (5) hours per week in response to questions and inquiries received on the Platform from User Participants.  Texting Ambassadors should respond to texts when the Texting Ambassador has an answer they are excited to share.  Texting Ambassadors should be prepared to share events, resources and recommendations based on the Texting Ambassador’s area of expertise.  If a Texting Ambassador receives a question or inquiry they are not sure about, the Texting Ambassador should choose not to respond and defer to other Texting Ambassadors to respond.  Texting Ambassadors also have the ability to turn on and off their availability to provide responses via the Platform. Employment Ambassadors should attempt to respond to messages or other inquiries received via the Platform within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of such text or inquiry.  Employment Ambassadors should either respond with an answer or recommendation, or with a response indicating that the Employment Ambassador does not have any relevant information to share, and that the User Participant should try to contact another Employment Ambassador via the Platform.  Employment Ambassadors should be prepared to share events, resources and recommendations based on the Employment Ambassador’s field of work or experience. Rule 3: Communications. In communications with User Participants, Texting Ambassadors and Employment Ambassadors shall not: (a) use offensive language, (b) transmit offensive images, or (c) engage in or attempt to engage in any illegal conduct. “Offensive language” includes, but is not limited to: Profanity or verbal abuse directed towards any Participant or any other individual; Sexually suggestive or pornographic comments directed towards any Participant or any other individual; and/or Derogatory remarks directed towards any Participant or any other individual or group of individuals based on religion, race, color, ethnicity, country of origin, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or sexual identity; Negative language about Detroit or any community in Southeast Michigan. “Offensive images” include, but are not limited to: Images that are sexually suggestive, lewd, or pornographic; and/or Images that include offensive language, as described above. “Communications” refers to communications via any media and including, but not limited to, in-person, phone, mail, photographs, voice-mail, audio conferencing, video conferencing, audio recordings, video recordings, email, text messaging, computer files supplied on physical media, computer files transferred electronically, and social media. Rule 4: Topics for Discussion. If a User Participant expresses unwillingness, reluctance, or discomfort in discussing any topic that either the User Participant or the Ambassador has raised during the course of a Platform interaction, the Ambassador shall promptly cease pursuing that topic. The specific issues and the degree of personal detail that are appropriate for discussion via the Platform will depend strongly on the specific User Participant, the specific Ambassador, and the specific circumstances and topics. Therefore, Let’s Detroit® does not provide a comprehensive list of appropriate and inappropriate topics and does not provide guidance on the degree of personal detail to be shared, and the Ambassador and the User Participant should agree on the topics that they are comfortable discussing and on the degree of personal details that they are comfortable sharing. The purpose of the Platform is to discuss broad topical areas of living and working in Southeastern Michigan, and Ambassadors should approach topics outside the intended functionality of the Platform cautiously and ask the other whether the User Participant wishes to pursue such topics. If the User Participant expresses unwillingness, reluctance, or discomfort in discussing a specific topic, the Ambassador shall promptly cease pursuing that specific topic. Rule 5: Meetings in Person. If an Ambassador wishes to meet with a User Participant in person outside of an official event sponsored by Let’s Detroit®, the Ambassador shall not insist on a meeting.  Under certain circumstances an Ambassador may wish to meet with a User Participant in person, but such activity is outside the scope of the Platform and both User Participants and Ambassadors undertake such in-person meetings at their own risk.  We strongly advise that User Participants and Ambassadors who wish to pursue in-person meetings outside the Let’s Detroit® Platform do so in a safe manner, location and environment. Rule 6: Prohibited Advice. Ambassadors shall not provide medical, mental-health, or legal advice to any User Participant.  Medical, mental-health, or legal advice should be provided by a qualified professional. Even if the Ambassador is coincidentally a qualified professional (for example, if the Ambassador is a physician, psychologist, or attorney), the Ambassador shall not provide medical, mental-health, or legal advice to the User Participant, and the Ambassador should advise the User Participant to seek the assistance of another qualified professional.  In addition, Ambassadors are strictly prohibited from engaging in any sales pitches, marketing activities or pursuit of other business relationships with User Participants through the Platform. Rule 7: Fees. Ambassadors shall not charge User Participants any fees for Ambassadors information or recommendations. The Ambassador is a volunteer and shall not charge a fee for serving as an Ambassador on the Platform. Even if the Ambassador is employed such that the Ambassador normally charges fees for services related to advice or recommendations (for example, if an Employment Ambassador is a professional career coach who normally charges fees for preparing resumes), the Ambassador shall not charge the User Participants any fees for advice, recommendations or any other activities conducted as an Ambassador on the Platform. Rule 8: Duty to Report Code of Conduct Violations. If an Ambassador observes any User Participant or other Ambassador behaving in a manner that violates the Ambassador Code of Conduct or the User Participant Code of Conduct, the Ambassador shall promptly report their observations to Let’s Detroit® staff at info@letsdetroitdev.wpengine.com or by flagging the conversation in the Ambassador Portal. User Participant Code of Conduct As a User Participant on the Platform, you agree to abide by the User Participant Code of Conduct.  You agree that if you violate any rule of the User Participant Code of Conduct, Let’s Detroit® may suspend or terminate your participation as a User Participant in the Platform. Rule 1: Confidentiality. Except as provided below, you shall not disclose to any third party any personal details of your communications with an Ambassador without prior permission of such User Participant.  Exceptions - If an Ambassador that you are interacting with on the Platform in violates the Ambassador Code of Conduct, you shall report the code violations to Let’s Detroit® staff at info@letsdetroitdev.wpengine.com or by flagging the conversation in the Ambassador Portal. Rule 2: Communications. In communications with Ambassadors, User Participants shall not: (a) use offensive language, (b) transmit offensive images, or (c) engage in or attempt to engage in any illegal conduct. “Offensive language” includes, but is not limited to: Profanity or verbal abuse directed towards any Participant or any other individual; Sexually suggestive or pornographic comments directed towards any Participant or any other individual; and/or Derogatory remarks directed towards any Participant or any other individual or group of individuals based on religion, race, color, ethnicity, country of origin, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or sexual identity; Negative language about Detroit or any community in Southeast Michigan. “Offensive images” include, but are not limited to: Images that are sexually suggestive, lewd, or pornographic; and/or Images that include offensive language, as described above. “Communications” refers to communications via any media and including, but not limited to, in-person, phone, mail, photographs, voice-mail, audio conferencing, video conferencing, audio recordings, video recordings, email, text messaging, computer files supplied on physical media, computer files transferred electronically, and social media. Rule 3: Topics for Discussion. If an Ambassador expresses unwillingness, reluctance, or discomfort in discussing any topic that either the Ambassador or you have raised during the course of a Platform interaction, the User Participant shall promptly cease pursuing that topic. The specific issues and the degree of personal detail that are appropriate for discussion via the Platform will depend strongly on the specific User Participant, the specific Ambassador, and the specific circumstances and topics. Therefore, Let’s Detroit® does not provide a comprehensive list of appropriate and inappropriate topics and does not provide guidance on the degree of personal detail to be shared, and the User Participant and Ambassadors should agree on the topics that they are comfortable discussing and on the degree of personal details that they are comfortable sharing. The purpose of the Platform is to discuss broad topical areas of living and working in Southeastern Michigan, and User Participants should approach topics outside the intended functionality of the Platform cautiously and ask the other whether the Ambassador wishes to pursue such topics. If the Ambassador expresses unwillingness, reluctance, or discomfort in discussing a specific topic, the User Participant shall promptly cease pursuing that specific topic. Rule 4: Meetings in Person. If a User Participant wishes to meet with an Ambassador in person outside of an official event sponsored by Let’s Detroit®, the User Participant shall not insist on a meeting.  Under certain circumstances a User Participant may wish to meet with an Ambassador in person, but such activity is outside the scope of the Platform and both User Participants and Ambassadors undertake such in-person meetings at their own risk.  We strongly advise that User Participants and Ambassadors who wish to pursue in-person meetings outside the Let’s Detroit® Platform do so in a safe manner, location and environment. Rule 5: Prohibited Advice. User Participants shall not seek medical, mental-health, or legal advice from any Ambassador.  Medical, mental-health, or legal advice should be provided by a qualified professional. Even if the Ambassador is coincidentally a qualified professional (for example, if the Ambassador is a physician, psychologist, or attorney), the User Participant shall not seek medical, mental-health, or legal advice from an Ambassador.  In addition, User Participants are strictly prohibited from engaging in any sales pitches, marketing activities or pursuit of other business relationships with Ambassadors through the Platform. Rule 6: Financial Assistance. User Participants shall not ask any Ambassador for money or other financial assistance through the Platform. Rule 7: Career Assistance. User Participants may ask for general career advice and recommendations from Employment Ambassadors, but User Participants shall not expect any Employment Ambassador to find a job for the User Participant.  For a User Participant who is about to graduate high school, college, graduate school or professional school and is seeking employment, much of the discussions with the Employment Ambassadors will address career opportunities and recommended actions for the User Participant.  It is appropriate, for example, for the User Participant to ask the Employment Ambassador where the most effective places to post resumes are, or what are good resources for pursuing job leads and postings.  It is also appropriate for the User Participant to ask the Employment Ambassador for general advice on conducting job-searches in Southeastern Michigan.  It is not appropriate, however, for the User Participant to expect the Employment Ambassador to act as a job placement service and to circulate the User Participant’s resume as a matter of course.  Under specific circumstances, the Employment Ambassador may volunteer to circulate the User Participant’s resume among the Employment Ambassador’s colleagues or referral sources; however, such assistance is strictly at the discretion of the Employment Ambassador, and the User Participant shall not expect, or demand, that the Employment Ambassador perform such actions as a requirement of the Employment Ambassador’s activities. Rule 8: Duty to Report Code of Conduct Violations. If a User Participant observes any Ambassador or other User Participant behaving in a manner that violates the User Participant Code of Conduct or the Ambassador Code of Conduct, the User Participant shall promptly report their observations to Let’s Detroit® staff at info@letsdetroitdev.wpengine.com or by flagging the conversation in the Ambassador Portal. This Agreement was last revised on September 20, 2018 (Version 1.0)

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