Ejiro Enajero

Let's Detroit Campus Ambassador - Spring 2022 | Western Michigan University

Ejiro Enajero
My story

I have lived in Detroit my whole life (besides time spent away at school), from my private Catholic schoolgirl days to the time I spent at my performing arts high school in Midtown. Detroit is pretty much where I grew up and had such great experiences. It’s crazy to come home from college during breaks and see how much Detroit, specifically downtown, has changed. Detroit is for sure on the come up and it’s nice to be a part of the change.

What I love most about living in Southeast Michigan
What I love most about working in Southeast Michigan

During my gap year, I worked at an organization called Winning Futures, a school-based workforce development program with a heart for mentoring youth in Southeast Michigan. What I loved the most about working there, and I guess in Southeast Michigan, was the sense of community I felt amongst my co-workers. There’s a camaraderie when you and your coworkers are familiar with the same environment and can bond over your favorite local restaurants, holiday events, and activities happening. The connection to each other runs a little deeper since you grew up/live in a similar area.

My Favorites
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