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A Young Professional’s Guide to Finding the Right Job

Finding a job can be a challenge, but finding the right job is another story. Job searching is often time-consuming and takes hard work. So, it’s wise to spend time ahead of landing a job, making sure it is a good fit. Here are nine tips to help you find the right job.

Develop a Clear Purpose 

Starting on a job hunt journey is no small feat. To help make the process easier, start with a clear purpose. This could include a list with what your ideal role entails, how many applications you intend to submit, and what steps you are going to take to network. Having an organized and structured approach will increase your chances of being chosen for your ideal role.

What Are Others Saying?

Before you apply for an open role, take a peek at the company’s online reviews on Glassdoor and Google. Both give great insight from current and past employees. And if there is something you find concerning but you are still interested in applying, bring it up in the interview. The response from the hiring team can often help determine if it is still a good fit or better to move on.

Fine-tune Your Resume

The single most important thing you will need to find the right job is your resume. Take time to prepare, develop, and fine-tune your resume. Have others review it, like former professors, friends, family, or your network. Resumes should be clear and concise, highlighting the key components you offer. Also make sure to tailor it for each role you apply to.

Assess All Your Skills

Your education may be specialized but consider other skills you have also acquired in your life through hobbies, clubs, or internships. Include out-of-the-box skills on your resume to help you stand out and find a role that offers more than just a perfect fit for your degree, but also your interests or passions.

Be Rational 

The process of finding a job can be daunting and draining. To help cope with stresses and concerns, be rational and set reasonable expectations. Some places you apply for you may never hear back from or hear back from months later. Some places may have a six-step interview process or a two-interview process. Be prepared for anything.

Expand Your Reach

Not finding anything you love? Think about expanding your reach. Now more than ever, there are remote jobs across the country, allowing opportunities many might not have had access to before. Or think about other cities or counties you may be interested in living and working in. The broader the reach, the more opportunities you allow yourself.

 Who Can You Ask for Help?

You’ve spent years on your education, so leverage those connections. Often teachers or professors have resources former students can take advantage of. Do you have any friends or family members who work in the industry you are looking to join? Check out your LinkedIn. Are you connected with anyone who works where you are looking to apply? Send them a message. Utilizing your connections to apply for a role increases your chances of being noticed. And your connection can give an insider perspective on what the company is like, what the job may be like, and more.

Target Companies You Love

When starting your search for the perfect fit, think about if there are specific companies you are interested in applying for. If there are, consider putting forth more of your efforts towards those companies. Apply for a few open roles, connect with team members on LinkedIn and message them about your interest in the role, ask for advice, or even set up a coffee chat. Your interest, initiative, and passion for the company will stand out.

Focus on Relevant Roles

Your time is precious, so focus on roles that will utilize your skills and experience, even if it means searching for longer to find your ideal role. This will ensure you will feel challenged and rewarded in your role, while also increasing the likelihood of being considered. Before applying for a role, review the job description closely. Do the qualifications and experience required match what you have to offer? If not, put your effort into applying for a role that does.

Have an Open Mind

To help ease the stress and demands of job hunting and finding the perfect role, have an open mind. Your perfect role could evolve over time. Maybe only an internship, project-based role, or temporary role is available. These could lead to a permanent full-time position over time. Don’t reject these types of opportunities. They could lead to great things and give you a chance to develop your career, learn new skills, and ultimately, lead you to the perfect job.

If you are looking for the perfect fit, check out our job board to find your next opportunity in Metro Detroit. We add new positions daily.

Written by Megan Lasley

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