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Managing Stress in the Workplace

Did you know April is National Stress Awareness Month? If you’re experiencing stress in the workplace at any level, keep reading to find out ways to handle it and feel more at peace in your day-to-day life.
Stress Awareness Month graphic

Did you know April is National Stress Awareness Month? While stress has become a term we toss around frequently or the punchline of jokes on social media, it’s important to acknowledge that it can have a negative impact on your physical, mental, and emotional health.

That’s the bad news, but the good news is there are tons of proven ways to manage and reduce stress in order to prioritize your well-being. If you’re experiencing stress in the workplace at any level, keep reading to find out ways to handle it and feel more at peace in your day-to-day life.

Identify What is Causing You Stress

This might just be the most important step on this list — if we can’t name what’s causing us stress, how can we manage it? You may be tempted to ignore anxious or overwhelmed feelings at work, but it’s vital to take a moment and think through what your stressors are, whether it’s a heavy workload or ineffective communication from management. Once you know what’s causing stress, you can address it.

Protect Your Time

Time is arguably our most valuable resource, and when it isn’t managed properly, it can lead to unnecessary stress. Make it a goal to improve your time management by reviewing your schedule at the beginning of each week, blocking out time to focus on time-sensitive projects (share with your team that you won’t be answering emails at that time!), and taking regular breaks every day to take time for yourself. Setting boundaries is key here! (*Link to boundary setting blog when posted!)

Do Self-Care That Works for You

Everyone’s form of self-care looks different, and the only way to “do it right” is to do what feels authentic to you. Instead of copying the self-care rituals you see others doing, test out a few different ones to see what makes you feel most relaxed. For example, if meditation feels too hard, try a mindful yoga flow instead. Here are a few self-care ideas that you can try in the mornings, during a break, or after work hours:

  • Take a walk outside.
  • Find a deep breathing exercise you enjoy.
  • Dance to a playlist of your favorite songs!
  • Practice gratitude journaling.
  • Find a craft you love, like crocheting or painting.
  • Try a new workout class.
  • Take a nap!

Communicate Your Needs

Unnecessary stress often happens because we’re too afraid to talk about it. When you communicate with your coworkers or managers about what is causing you stress, they can help you manage it. You never know what tasks can be shared with others or what stress management resources are available in your workplace until you ask for help.

Prioritize Your health

Don’t sacrifice your own health needs when you’re feeling overwhelmed at work — taking care of yourself is key to mitigating stress and being productive. Ensure you’re setting yourself up for success by eating nutrient-dense food, drinking plenty of water, aiming for enough sleep every night, moving your body daily, and checking in with your mental and emotional health. Your well-being matters!

Written by freelancer Molly Menning.

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