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Why I Chose to Major in Economics

2023 Fall Campus Influencer Kaden Johnson reflects on why he chose economics as his major, noting the benefits of being a part of the field.

My name is Kaden Johnson, and I am a second-year Economics student with a minor in Resource Management at Michigan State University. This is how I introduce myself when meeting others, and I’m always met with the question “Why did you choose economics?”

I had never really thought about the answer to this question until my older brother asked me how I could benefit from studying economics.

First, I decided to study economics to understand how the decisions people make—individually or as a corporation—effect resource availability and influence the economy. Through the study of economics, concepts such as inflation, resource allocation, and incentives can be explained and viewed as a negative or positive outcome based on what consumers demand and purchase.

Kaden Johnson headshotMy career goal is to become a business analyst, reviewing different processes and creating new strategies for businesses to implement to increase profitability and efficiency. My college classes have enabled me to really understand the complications of a business and how it affects the way consumers live.

Another reason why I chose to study economics is due to the financial aspect involved. With the knowledge gained from my classes, I am able to adjust my personal financial decisions and benefit as a consumer.

Economics is a major that cultivates useful skills I can utilize in my personal life, such as time-management, leadership, problem solving, and critical thinking.

Lastly, economics is heavily tied with politics, which means it’s crucial to stay up to date with the news and major events. I do not typically keep with the news often, but, as an active stock trader, I must keep up with news updates that may affect which companies I invest in.

Overall, I chose to study economics for the knowledge and skills that come with it—like an entrepreneurial mindset—and the benefit of understanding the political and social impact on the economy.

Kaden Johnson is a 2023 Fall Campus Influencer.

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