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New Year’s Resolutions for Young Professionals

It's that time of the year where we reflect on the past 12 months and determine our hopes for the new year. If you’re looking to make 2024 a transformative year for your career, here are a few ideas to consider for New Year’s resolutions.
a notebook with 2024 goals

It’s that time again when we all take a moment to reflect on the year behind us and set goals for the year ahead of us. You’ve likely already gathered some New Year’s resolution ideas related to wellness, relationships, or finance, but have you thought about your career goals?

As a young professional, growing in your career takes intentionality and stepping outside of your comfort zone. If you’re looking to make 2024 a transformative year for your career, here are a few ideas to consider for New Year’s resolutions:

1. Expand your professional network.

You hear it all the time, but that’s because it’s true: It’s all about who you know. Make this the year you build a solid professional network. From joining a young professionals group, to attending regional or industry-related networking events, to simply reaching out to people you admire along a similar career path, there are endless ways to get out there and meet some new faces.

To make this goal more attainable, set a target number of events or meetups that you want to attend each month. You never know if you might find a mentor, a new friend in your field, or even a new job opportunity.

2. Revamp your resume and LinkedIn.

If you’re going to be searching for a new job or going after a promotion this year, make it a top goal to get your resume and LinkedIn looking polished and professional.

For LinkedIn, make sure you have an updated headshot, a clear and specific headline and summary, highlight your experience, and add any relevant skills or work samples.

For your resume, update your summary to more accurately reflect your career goals, add specific experience that showcases in-demand traits like problem-solving or innovation, include any new skills or certifications, and create a few versions tailored to specific jobs you want. Bonus points if you attend a resume or LinkedIn workshop!

3. Learn a new skill.

Cultivating curiosity is a lifelong skill that’ll benefit you throughout your career — so it’s well worth your time to invest in learning something new this year! Whether it’s attending a professional development course or learning new software, there are endless ways to grow your skillset in 2024. The best way to make this goal attainable is to focus on one skill at a time. Plus, don’t forget to check with your company before signing up for a class, as many will pay for professional development opportunities.

4. Keep a record of your wins.

The best resolutions are about building lasting habits. This one will benefit you for years to come: Make a journal or ongoing document — a.k.a a “brag book” — to track your wins at work. Whether it’s starting a new project, getting a positive performance review, or overcoming a hurdle at work, keeping track of these wins will help you make a case for a promotion, prepare for a job interview, and boost your confidence when you experience setbacks.

Written by Molly Menning

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